Last night was "La Noche de San Juan", Saint John the Baptist Night. John the Baptist is believed to have been born on June 24th, so many countries celebrate this day on the eve. Here in Puerto Rico, it plays out as hundreds of thousands of people flock to the beach for what can only be described as a Puerto Rican Mardi Gra or Spring Break beach party. At midnight all those participating flop backwards into the water, like they are being is to ensure you have good luck for the next year. Some people may flop once, others, several times. Joe and I ventured out last night to see what all the fuss and traffic was about....Perplexing,interesting, as it was, like Carnival last year in Brazil. Luckily for Joe and I we believe in faith and not luck.
They apparently plan on sacrificing the sand alligator to John the Baptist also...
This is real video I found on YouTube from 2 years ago, but if you listen closely you can hear the countdown and then see them all flop! Kinda Funny.
And this clip is even more interesting..."Ace, uniquely Puerto Rican detergent, commemorates Puerto Rican tradition of San Juan night when the island residents dive into the ocean at midnight. Even when you are far away from your homeland, your pride of being Puerto Rican will make you follow Puerto Rican traditions."(quote taken from the person who posted the clip)
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