Now on to the good stuff,(Can I please preface this by saying the days are moving faster than I can write, and when I have just a few minutes to blog, I get caught up in everyone elses and then don't get any writing done myself! Sorry)
On Tuesday night(April 7th), Joe and I flew to San Antonio! We woke up to beautiful weather 85-90 degrees that continued most of the time we were there! Wednesday, with Joe's Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Evan we had wonderful breakfast tacos, headed to the beautiful and famous riverwalk,

and then off to the missions(which included the Alamo).

A Park Ranger playing a bamboo flute in one of the missions

I have an obsession with doors

One of the most interesting press conference was underway at the Alamo. Segways were being given away to Iraqi veterans whole had lost a limb fighting for our freedom! Thank you for serving us in our Military!

We enjoyed our time visiting with Joe's Aunt and Uncle and spending time with his grandparents in San Antonio! On Friday morning we flew from nice, warm, sunny San Antonio to Chicago. Where I am from, it was still nice, sunny, but not warm. I tried to warn Joe that it isn't the temperature that makes Chicago cold, it's the wind. And I threw in a few extra warm clothing items for him just in case. We gathered our bags and stepped out of the terminal just in time for the piercing wind to show Joe what it was made of. He immediately threw on his coat, hat, and gloves and decided it was better to wait inside for my Aunt and Uncle to get their. I found it funny. Joe had never been to Chicago and so much of my childhood was rooted their that I was so excited to show him around and let him experience the true taste of Chicago! Friday started with us heading immediately downtown for the lakeshore effect at the Field Museum(lakeshore effect meaning that it can be 15 degrees colder than the rest of Chicago).

That night, Joe finally got to taste true Chicago style pizza, and it was good. Saturday we drove out to my Grandpa's house about an hour away from the city to have lunch and visit with him.

I was able to see my uncle and cousin also, which was exciting since I didn't think I was going to be able to. Easter Sunday came quickly, and we celebrated Jesus at Messiah Baptist Church in Addison. My roots with this church go very deep. My parents met in the youth group of this church in the seventies, my mom grew up going to this church, she was a part of Pioneer Girls there(similar to girl scouts, I think) My grandfather drove the church bus, I remember when I was a kid, if we spent the night at my grandparents and had been good and were ready on time, we got to ride the bus with grandpa as he picked people up for church. I haven't been back to Messiah, since we moved, but it is funny how the faces of some people are still familiar. After church we had lunch at a friends of my Aunt and Uncle, and then played catchphrase. If you have never played Catchphrase, You need to. One day on a later blog I will have to explain my analysis of my family and the game, it's funny. Sunday night, we were able to have dinner with a really good friend of Joe's from High School, Adam! Adam moved to Chicago after college and has been working for a pharmaceutical company for the past couple of years.

Monday, Joe and I slept in!! And then went to tour my old neighborhood, show Joe where I lived, went to school, the firehouse where my dad volunteered as a firefighter and medic.

Monday night we went downtown to see the lights, we went to the top of the John Hancock building.

Visited Buckingham Fountain. And ate REAL hot dogs in Wrigleyville. Before we all headed to bed, Joe and I got to have one of the most meaningful prayer times with my Aunt and Uncle, It was so amazing to have that connection with them. Tuesday was an early morning trip to the airport(4am early) to head back to Charlotte. Wednesday was spent doing laundry and repacking for another early morning airport adventure(I will continue soon, but not today).
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