This past week Sao Paulo has had many thunderstorms. Last weekend they were so bad that Saturday night many areas flooded, including our street. In the 14 months that we have been here we haven't experienced a storm like it. We aren't talking about a foot of water we are talking about entire cars underwater. Unlike the US, most people do not have car insurance. Sunday morning we woke up to blue skies, and a warm 75 degrees. But heading to the bus stop was less impressive. Everything on our street was covered in mud and silt(the slick mud) trees were down, a concrete wall had collapsed, and you could see the water marks on everything. It gave us an appreciation for those who went through Katrina first hand. Tonight we are suppose to have similars storms. Please pray for those in the city who do not have homes that they might find shelter. I have included a few pictures

For those of you who don't know what your looking at, the light in the middle is a cars flashers still going...underwater!
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