Saturday was Joe's Birthday. It was a great day, we knew it was our last to spend together for a week and a half(he travelled on Sunday). We woke up late which really isn't that late(8:15ish) Had a big breakfast of omelets, hashbrowns and muffins. Topped off with chocolate truffle coffee. After our lazy morning, we decided to run over to the mall to see if we could Joe some sunglasses. While we were home for christmas Joe lost his somewhere. But cheap sunglasses really don't exist in Brazil, so we got some ice cream instead and headed home for a nap. This year Joe and I have gotten into an element and we haven't ventured too far outside of it. Partially because Sao Paulo is HUGE and we could never get to everywhere, and another is we stay within our transportaion limits. But on Saturday we decided to venture out to a new restaurant that we had heard good things about. So looking at a map we knew we could take the train get off near the neighborhood and then grab a cab. We did just that took the train got of, and stepped off in a sketchy area so we walked fast and made turns with our best judgement. Luckely and with God's protection we found a cab, got to the restaurant and we so blown away with the ambiance of it that we quickly forgot the heart racing walk their. The restaurant was so nice, candles everywhere! Though when I told the waiter it was Joe's birthday he gave me a look of "so". Which made us laugh the rest of the night, but the food was ok, not great but good, the atmosphere definately made up for it.

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