Well, we arrived a week ago back to Brazil, and we are definately in the full swing of summer, meaning it's hot. I love it! (Sorry Aunt Gigi)who just informed me that they have had 35" of snow already this season. But in Brazil, last summer when we fist moved here, we learned that you don't go anywhere and leave your windows open because it can monsoon at any point, with little warning, but mostly it happens late afternoon around 5:30/6, right when Joe is trying to walk home. Needless to say we flooded our apartment. For those of you who are gasping, it wasn't that bad to clean up, all our floors are tile and we have drains in random places in the floor. Well, on Wednesday, I left to go teach a couple of classes and decided it is blue, hot and not a cloud in the sky, so Im going to leave the patio doors open just a crack to keep air circulating. After teaching I went to Joe's office to help count some info that needed to be organized and added to a database. Right around 3:30, I hear a huge crash of thunder, look out the window and the rivers in the streets have already started. I contemplate running home, but if water got in, then the damage is already done, I needed to go by the grocery store still, I wasn't finished, and I had white pants on. So I decide to stay and finish and just pray that our house isn't flooded again. We waited out the heavy rain, ran to the grocery store, and then ran home before the ran began again. Once inside, our first assessment is the stairs! Their is white plaster all over them, we still can't figure out from what, but I had just spent 6 hours on Monday cleaning. We head into the dining room, where the balcony door is and no water, run upstairs, check the floor, no water. So for the most part we are pretty relieved. Later that night, we go to bed, lay down, and the bed is wet! Go Figure.