I know that many of you know Joe recently took a business trip to Italy and are waiting on an update from that and also many of you have asked for an update with pictures on the status of my quilt. This topic takes great precedence over both! For those of you who work hard and celebrate with fast food for lunch everyday may not know the excitement behind being able to go to Burger King. Burger King's logo is "Have it your way", So last night hoped on a bus, rode for 20 minutes and got off for the best burger I have had in 10 months or more. We met up with 4 friends, two of who are Brazilians. Something else you need to know is that Brazilians LOVE beef! It is a subject of pride here. We are always asked two questions here, How do you like Brazil? and Do you like our meat? So Back to BK, Joe and I step up to the counter order 1 whopper with cheese, extra pickles(huge for me, they are imported in from the US), and Joe orders a double whopper with cheese. We both get the standard combo, fries with a soda. Next one of the guys Joe works with here steps up and orders a whopper with seven patties and a small drink. We get to the table sit down and he unwraps his septa-whopper. After we all stare for a minute at its massive size especially sitting next to a normal whopper. He even finished it off before most of us even finish our own burgers! Needless to say it was delicious.

1 comment:
Did he have a heartattack that evening??
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