The past two weeks really did fly by, I don't even know where to start...I guess with last weekend. On Sunday Joe and I accompanied two of his friends from work to the Brazilian National Air Force air show. It took way to long to get there, but once we were their we had fun. Like an American air show they display the planes and some of them you can get in. It was slightly depressing to see the state of some of the planes considered the best Brazil has to offer. I am beginning to understand why the US spends so much money on yearly maintenance. So of them really just needed a new coat of paint. But they do the same tricks and fly by's.

The Best Brazil has to offer

The nicest vehicle their were the Harley Davidson Police Motorcycles

Apparently we didn't get any pictures of the planes that were pretty beat up, and not from combat.
But it was still alot of fun!
This past week was a blur and then this weekend Joe was sick all weekend with a virus or the flu(neither doctor's can do anything for) So we stayed home and watched movies. We borrowed two really great classics from my friend Karen. I would recommend renting both! The first was, To Catch A Thief, a Hitchcoch thriller,but not freaky Hitchcock. It was good, suspensful. It has Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in it. It was filled in 1955.

The second was, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, filmed in 1939. Directed by Frank Capra and has James Stewart in it. It too was just realy good. I hope you enjoy them.

We also watched the first DVD of the Planet Earth series from BBC. That too was amazing, God is so creative! How were your weekends?