This weekend was really busy for us. Friday started the excitement with an explosion in our kitchen! That is right folks you read right. Some of you know that I love to bake/cook. I made some dough for bagels Friday morning and then had to go to a class, and the dough needed time to rise. SO I prepared the dough, put it in a bowl and then in the oven(it wasn't on) and I left. I got home 3 hours later opened the oven and like a cartoon character my eyes got as big as they possibly could. The dough had risen so much, it overflowed the bowl and went all over the oven. Adding the wonderful activity of cleaning the oven to my already long list of to-do's for that afternoon!(But the bagels were a hit in a country that doesn't know what a bagel is).
This weekend Joe and I had a leadership weekend with our church. We were able to do some team building, make some good decisions for the future and good of the church. We were able to get to know each other better and have some great fellowship. We also got to meet and hang out with some of the staff from Christian Associates. They all had so many interesting and thought provoking and faith strengthening things to say. On Sunday we all went out to an Artisan Fair type of area and then headed to church where two more joined us! Our dear friends from Uruguay, Matt and Toni Daniels! We had so much fun catching up with them!

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