Friday, May 23, 2008

Welcome to Brazil

Recently, we were able to head to the U.S. for about 10 days to celebrate Joe's sister Jenn's graduation. When we have the chance to come home, our time goes by so quickly and their is always so much to do and so many people we try to see! Needless to say we run out of time before we ever come close to accomplishing it all! So if you are someone we didn't get to spend time with we apologize and promise it wasn't because we didn't want to. One of the common questions we received was HOW ARE YOU?!?! And we realized we haven't been as faithful about sending our update emails as we were last year in Uruguay. Life in Sao Paulo is so fast paced. But really trying to narrow down what is going on in our lives, and have it all fit in an update email was really hard. We just had so much to say, but trying to pick and choose the more important things was impossible. SOOOO...of course we said nothing, like the smart, logical couple we are. And thus the birth of our blog!!!!!
So we say Welcome into our life in Brazil!!!!


Cameron's Blog said...

great to see you guys at the farm!! Next time you are in the US let's try to have lunch or something in High Point.

love you!!

the motts in Jamestown (permanently)

Joe and Melissa Mott said...

We really enjoyed seeing you too! And maybe next time we'll get to see shelly and the girls too! Love you guys!