Monday, May 26, 2008

Passion World Tour

This past weekend, Joe and I were able to attend the Passion World Tour stop here in Sao Paulo! With David Crowder Band, Chris Tomlin and Francis Chan and Louis Giglio. It was AMAZING! Living in Brazil, it was so refreshing and revitalizing to worship with American bands and speakers as well as getting to meet a lot of other Americans who are also living in Brazil . And for those of you who are thinking what makes this any more special than the times you have seen David Crowder Band and Chris Tomlin...we got to hear them attempting Portuguese (pretty funny), but an amazing gift to give to the Brazilians, they loved it! You can see pictures from the Friday and Saturday on Enjoy!

1 comment:

Texas Sun said...

Dude, I had no idea Passion had gone international. That's awesome! Hope y'all are rockin' it in Brazil. Godspeed.