I can't believe that we are already in the middle of January 2010. Where did 2009 go? I also need to apologize and ask for forgiveness for being MIA for the past 2 months, we have no good excuses so I won't give you any bad ones either. God has done some amazing things in 2009, I am always shocked and awed by him. A year ago we were celebrating the more than 500,000 decisions for Jesus made by Brazilians through the My Hope project. In the past year we have moved to a new country, I began working with the project, and we have faced new battles and challenges with the project. Also in the past year, I think we have visited ALL of our family spanning from NC, Chicago, San Antonio, Louisiana, and California(now it is your turn to come to us), and we attended and participated as both my sister and Joe's sister were married. As my mind thinks through all the wonderful events of this past year, my mind stops at a tragedy that has struck at the beginning of this new decade. I know you all have heard about maybe even gave money or resources to help those devastated by the earthquake in Haiti. The My Hope staff began its work in Haiti several months ago meeting with leaders, denominations, different christian organizations. They began praying and probing for God's direction, if God had ripened Haiti for My Hope. As the earthquake hit on Tuesday many of us searched for itineraries to figure out if any of our staff were in the country, by God's grace they were not, but little communication has been possible. I want to challenge all of you to pray mightily for Haiti in these coming weeks, pray that as new infrastructures are set up, that as people are searching for answers and reasons, that they will only find Jesus at the end of their searching. Pray for a mighty revival! Pray for our fellow Christians and leaders in Haiti. Pray for the future of My Hope in Haiti.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness, with out your prayers and words of encouragement, we would not be able to do this.
For more information on what BGEA is doing go to: http://www.billygraham.org/News_Article.asp?ArticleID=766