Joe and I were given the awesome opportunity to help out at the Rock the River tour in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For those who don't know, "Rock the River is a high-energy music tour traveling up the Mississippi". RTR(Rock the River) is hosted by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association(BGEA). At RTR Baton Rouge they had a ministry tent to help with awareness of all the amazing ministries the BGEA fosters to bring the Good news through evangelism for God's Kingdom! Whoo, with that said, Joe and I got to share with people our passion of My Hope all day. The event was a hit. They had seven hours of great bands including Flyleaf, RED, Mary Mary and others! Franklin brought the message of Jesus in a clear and relational way that impacted many and planted seeds in numbers we may never know. The turn out was over 11,000 and over 500 decisions for Jesus Christ!!!! In saying it was such an awesome experience for me, does not begin to express some of the comments left on FACEBOOK by those who were also there, one wrote..."well even the protesters couldn't stop the amazing power of Jesus.... if only 1 person was saved, then it was worth the heat, sunburn, and sprinkles. God also painted a glorious sunset across the sky - who in their right mind could say there is no GOD. The thunder & lightening stayed in the distance, just enough sprinkles to cool everyone down." The lightening she was referring to actually occurred behind the stage as Flyleaf was beginning and added chill to the praises they were singing. We are heading to RTR in St. Louis in a little less than two weeks and are so excited to see God work there too. Please Join with us and pray for the upcoming cities: St. Louis-Aug. 2nd, Quad Cities-Aug. 8 and Minneapolis/St. Paul Aug. 16. Please pray for the staff, the weather, the message(Franklin Graham and the testimonies from the bands),and for those traveling to and from the event! Also know that if you are within a do-able distance of these events, COME!! Bring friends, bring family, bring the neighbors kids!! Please also know that they are still looking for volunteers in the remaining cities! For more info and to sign-up go to Here are a few photos to get you excited(please know some of these photos were taken from flickr, and I have no ownership rights to them)