Each night we decided to eat a different, yet exotic meat. And so our first night in Bonito, we had Jacara, or in Eniglish it is known as the Caiman Alligator, served two different ways, grilled and in a soup. Both very tasty. We also planned all our excursions Thursday night. Friday we woke up early to head to a cave called the Gruta do Lago Azul. It was absolutely magnificant! We had the first tour of the day, whiuch is the best. The early morning sun shines right into the cave and illuminates the water in the lake! Early morning is the o=nly time of day you can see the water so clear and brillant. The excursion took about 2 hours to hike in and view the cave a several different points and hike out! That afternoon we went to a farm called a Fazenda, had lunch and relaxed before our next hike to several different water falls. That night we decided to try piranha and a different local fish. On Saturday we snorkeled in the Rio da Prata, a crystal clear river. We snorked 2 kilometers and it took about 3 hours. But it was amazing. The fish were huge. You aren't allowed to fish in Bonito, all the rivers are protected but it also makes them very clean and clear. After snorkeling we again went back to the place where we signed in and they too had prepared an azaming lunch followed by some napping in hammocks. Though, we were all very tired we decided to go to a giant sink hole that has become a safe haven for the big Macaws! It was amazing to see them fly by! Saturday was our final night in Bonito and so we wanted to end our trip with experiencing more exotic food. So we had a ;meat from a wild boar and capybara(which is part of the rat family, but much larger, similar to those rodents in the movie the Princess Bride). Sunday was bitter sweet, we woke up late packed said good bye to our hosts at the hotel and headed to tube down a river. It was cloudy and at first we thought it would have been really cold but it actually made the water feel warmer that it was. Though the tubing trip seemed really quick it was a nice end to our time in Bonito.