Could it be....no, just my wonderful husband in the living room with a hanger and a hot dog cooking dinner! For those of you who assume that because it is called SOUTH America it can't possible ever be cold, you are wrong. They have winter too. And finally it has gotten cold enough to use our fireplace. We had a wonderful picnic one evening this week...Hot dogs, mac and cheese, steamed broccoli all set out on our living room rug in front of our fire. One silly thing about Sao Paulo is the weather is very unpredictable and everyone will tell you that you can have all four seasons in one day...or at least all in one week, which did happen this week. Monday and Tuesday were freezing (low 40's) and then Wednesday was a little warmer, and then Thursday and Friday we were back to the high 70's. An interesting side note about the way construction is done here is everything is made out of concrete and central heating and air don't exist even though it gets hot enough and cold enough that it should. So when you get a couple of really cold days it cools down the apartment and traps it in, so many times we have to open up all the windows and doors on the warm days to allow the apartment to warm up again. This picture below is just a quick recap from last year on how cold it really got in Uruguay! And for those of you who can't tell what I'm wearing, I have on a t-shirt, a long john turtleneck, a heavy wool turtleneck sweater, a polartec fleece jacket, and a wind repellent shell, a wool scarf and gloves, a fleece ear protector, my hood and a blanket on top of that, all to ride a bus to a little colonial town and we still froze! But we still loved it!