Thursday, May 29, 2008

Silly Brazilians

Two very interesting things have happened in the past week. The first, happened last Thursday, which was holiday and so neither of us worked. We woke up late, had just gotten our coffee and were headed to sit on the porch. I look out and see this giant hot air balloon looking thing falling from the sky. All week I asked around about it, and basically everyone said that I was seeing things, except I got a picture of it.

Ok, so after watching this balao as the Portuguese call them, they are gang related and completely illegal. They are fueled by alcohol and fire connected to a fuse. At the end of the fuse, are a bunch of firecrackers. So, the gangs launch these and send them towards the airport, but ours got a little off track.

The second interesting event happened last night, from our apartment we overlook a large road that also leads to the football(soccer) stadium where their was a big game last night. Our dinner was interrupted by fireworks and singing/chanting, and when we looked outside we saw a long line of traffic and the drivers waving huge flags...and everyone thinks tailgaters are crazy: listen to this.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Passion World Tour

This past weekend, Joe and I were able to attend the Passion World Tour stop here in Sao Paulo! With David Crowder Band, Chris Tomlin and Francis Chan and Louis Giglio. It was AMAZING! Living in Brazil, it was so refreshing and revitalizing to worship with American bands and speakers as well as getting to meet a lot of other Americans who are also living in Brazil . And for those of you who are thinking what makes this any more special than the times you have seen David Crowder Band and Chris Tomlin...we got to hear them attempting Portuguese (pretty funny), but an amazing gift to give to the Brazilians, they loved it! You can see pictures from the Friday and Saturday on Enjoy!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Welcome to Brazil

Recently, we were able to head to the U.S. for about 10 days to celebrate Joe's sister Jenn's graduation. When we have the chance to come home, our time goes by so quickly and their is always so much to do and so many people we try to see! Needless to say we run out of time before we ever come close to accomplishing it all! So if you are someone we didn't get to spend time with we apologize and promise it wasn't because we didn't want to. One of the common questions we received was HOW ARE YOU?!?! And we realized we haven't been as faithful about sending our update emails as we were last year in Uruguay. Life in Sao Paulo is so fast paced. But really trying to narrow down what is going on in our lives, and have it all fit in an update email was really hard. We just had so much to say, but trying to pick and choose the more important things was impossible. SOOOO...of course we said nothing, like the smart, logical couple we are. And thus the birth of our blog!!!!!
So we say Welcome into our life in Brazil!!!!